
Marketing Defined

This felt very much like a Sesame Street sketch, and I like it.

Getting Ahead of the News

So my boss' boss recently found out that I was in a commercial for a local karaoke bar a few months ago, and before he gets any crazy ideas about how to ruin me with the footage...

I swear I sing better than that.


Best Ad Ever?

So I've already written about my love for Japanese humor and TV, but I found this video on Videogum today and I have to think that this is the most amazing ad in the history of the world:

Does anyone have contacts with a Japanese production company? Please? I would pay them to work there.


New Video: My Beef with Mythbusters

Don't get me wrong, those guys are awesome. They have the coolest jobs in the world. Don't believe me? Watch this.

But why do they tell me "don't try this at home?" Aside from zero budget, I'm just as qualified to blow crap up. Right?


New Engineering Mind Video: Working with Legal

It's been a while, and I'm actually pleased how this one turned out. If you haven't already, check out our brand new website:



Great Tribute to My Grandpa

My Grandpa, Harry Simmons, died when I was 10. He was a wonderful grandpa and what few memories I do have of him are great. The following video is a tribute to a part of his life I never knew as a kid, but have been slowly learning about over time.


Note to Self...

Never hold Clark like this: