
What I'm Reading

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

This book is my new business bible! What Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People (a definite must-read) did for sales and marketing professionals in the last century, this book does for today. Keith Ferrazzi is a natural-born networker and he talks about how business today is driven by relationships and that business cycles come and go, but relationships always remain. The book is full of techniques and recommendations that I am already applying to how I work.

I know that there is a stigma out there that networking means schmoozing and manipulating to benefit yourself, but Ferrazzi goes into detail on the importance of real, interdependent relationships. Just like Made to Stick is to the science of marketing, Never Eat Alone is to the science of business relationships.

I have read the book twice in two weeks and have taken detailed notes (let me know if you want a copy). I can’t stop talking to everyone I work with about how great this book is for driving personal and corporate business success. If there’s one business book you read before Christmas, this has to be it!

Three reasons why Never Eat Alone is worth your time:

1. You’ll learn the importance of and how to reach out beyond your own circle of friends to people that can help you achieve your goals.
2. You’ll learn techniques that will help you be indispensible in your current job.
3. You’ll learn how to develop your own “brand” so that people associate you with the adjectives you want.

Let me know what you think once you're done!

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