
Very Cool

A new family moved into our ward (congregation) a few weeks ago, and yesterday I learned that they were the coolest people.


Exhibit #1: Check out Vince's amazing commercial photography site.

Exhibit #2: Check out Rachel's sweet child/infant/mommy photography site.

Exhibit #3: They're from Alaska. That's pretty cool in and of itself. They drove here. That's also pretty cool. What throws it over the top? THEY MADE A MOVIE USING PICTURES FROM EVERY 30 SECONDS OF THE DRIVE:

From Anchorage to Austin from Vince Penman on Vimeo.
Click here to view embedded video.

So much for my hopes of being the coolest kid at school.


Kristi said...

I hope it is flattering rather than offensive that I copy nearly every blog post you do onto my blog. You're just that cool. Sounds like a great couple, I would love to meet them. Wow, that made me not excited to drive back to Salt Lake again ...ever, but also very excited to visit Alaska someday!

Vince Penman said...

Well I don't know if we are the coolest people ever. Maybe just on Thursdays. Thanks for the shout.