
The 'Stache

In response to Katie's "cute" picture on her blog, I thought I'd share with you my favorite self-portrait:No, that's not Tom Selleck (although I do see the resemblance), it's me after an entire week's worth of mustache growth a few months ago. With Katie out of town I decided to grow a mustache and felt really good about the results. I unfortunately have been plagued with a very thin beard (think 13-year-old Chicano), but despite Katie's dry heaves every time she sees these pictures, I think it's obvious that I reach my pinnacle of hotness when I go 'stache.

And in case you were wondering, I didn't do it the weak way (where you lazily grow out all your facial hair for a while, cut off the rest, take a few pictures, and then shave it off before you go to work). No, I did it the old fashioned, manly way, where you shave everything but the 'stache, go to work each day, face the double-takes and unspoken judgements from your co-workers, all in the name of doing with your upper lip what the good Lord intended for it.

I'll close the post with a few of my favorite 'stache poses.

The "Swindler":
And, the "Babysitter":



Liz said...

Oh my gosh. You're hilarious. "The babysitter" caused me to laugh out loud in my cubie.

Poor, sweet Katie.

Kristi said...


D Wheezy said...

Just let it be known, were I still working at NI my judgments would be o-so-not-unspoken.

Really, really spoken. A lot.

Sophia said...

Only one question, when is the "Babysitter" free to watch Isabella?

Unknown said...

This one of the best/worst things I've ever seen. I salute you for your courage.

I rocked the 'stache once and my girlfriend at the time gave me the "it's me or the mustache" speech. Gee I'll miss her ...

Norm Kirchner ~,~ said...

Just stumbled upon this post.....I know your pain man.
I've been the Dread Pirate Roberts 5 years running for Halloween and end up giving in after 3 weeks of growth and darken it up in w/a dose of Kate's mascara (why am I admitting this?)

For now I've given up the stache and am going for the McSteamy look
(unfortunately it's a 13 yr old Chicano McSteamy)