

Sorry for not posting the last few days, I'm having the worst allergy attack I've had in 10 years. I'm told that Austin is one of the most allergy ridden cities in the country, and that after a few years you start to develop really bad allergies no matter what. That really sucks, and I thought I'd be lucky since I went through YEARS of allergy shots as a kid.

The only "fun" part about these allergies is that I took two Benadryl on Sunday afternoon and subsequently slept for 17 hours; 13 of which were consecutive. I haven't done that since college, and despite missing work on Monday and getting nothing done around the house, I was pretty proud of myself for sleeping that long.

At this point, I think the only way I'm going to make it through tonight is by shoving wads of toilet paper in my nose, which guarantees that I'll snore, which guarantees that Katie is not going to sleep, which guarantees that neither of us is going to happy tomorrow.

Reggie, the guy who's taking my job now that I'm moving to LabVIEW Marketing, got so sick of me sniffling and sneezing all day that he threatened to drill a hole in my face to facilitate the drainage. Needless to say I'm calling in sick any time he and I are on the same Habitat for Humanity volunteer team.

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