

My good friend Minh is in town this weekend and I was really looking forward to a photo walk with him around Austin this morning. He's my hero as far as photography goes, because he's a mild-mannered sales engineer by day, and a hip, plugged in photographer by night. You really should spend a few minutes on his site and check out his great work.

Unfortunately, the combination of sub-zero temps and my cold/allergies are holding me back. Now it'll be another six months or so before I can learn from Minh the Master.

Check out my Flickr page for some of my photos.


Minh said...

Thanks for the plug bud! I was just lamenting on the flight home that I didn't really get to take any photos in Austin, with you or otherwise. Being in Austin without a vehicle left me with the fairly uninspiring options of my hotel room or NI campus as shooting locales. Your Flickr photos are looking great, and did you win the wife lottery or something!?!? Seeya in 6 months pal.

Jon said...



Add this to the list of reasons I loathe that den of forced righteousness.

/End threadjack