
Marathon Man #2

I'm not too proud of my efforts last week. I did get out and run twice for a combined distance of 3.5 miles, and while I could make excuses about the altitude or the abundance of friends and family that took up my free time (recruiting is very time-intensive), in the end I have to blame myself for not keeping my eye on the prize.

At the same time, I was proud of my eating during the trip. As I said before, recruiting trips mean I'm eating out every meal, and on the company's dime. Last week at BYU I paid closer attention to whether or not I felt hungry, and not on if it was time for a meal or not. As a result I felt better about myself and much more in control of my overall health.

26.2 is a long way away, but my attitude towards a healthier lifestyle is improving.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I didn't know you were training Todd! That is awesome. I know it can be done, I remember watching Blaine go from .5 to 26.2 in ten months. It is really tough at times, but the prize is well worth it. Maybe now that our little guy is here I can start running as well, our marathon veteran spouses can cheer us on from the sidelines while we huff and puff to the finish line :) Keep up the good work!